What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?




Listen to What Your Body is Telling you


Listen to what your body is telling you. I have been learning about about how the feelings in my body speak to me. Therefore, how important is for me to listen to what is being said. These feelings often alert us to illness and/or disease.  However, what I am interested in, is how those feelings alert us to hidden emotions in our body.

Ever since I was a child I have been aware of the physical part of my emotions. But, oftentimes I just wanted them to go away. I was always sensitive to the things that were happening around me, not only the things that were happening to me, but to others as well. I often felt negative emotions in my solar plexus. 
For instance, arguments, although I didn’t know it at the time, were a feeling of fear. This fear showed up as a stomach ache. I was always afraid someone would get hurt. It made no sense to me and I still cannot understand why I felt that way. There were good feelings too. Happiness almost always showed up as butterflies in my solar plexus as well.
Over the years I think those were the emotions I paid more attention to than any of the others. I had feelings I never paid that much attention to. There was no knowledge of those feelings appearing as pain or excitement. I believe some of those feelings were so painful, I just pushed them deeper inside so I couldn’t feel them anymore.

Hidden Emotions

Physical Reactions to Emotions





I decided some time ago that it was important, for my mental health, to search for the emotions within me. Meanwhile, I finally realized how much pain they were causing me. For years emotions were rising up in me, causing me to overreact to situations that were really not that important. I knew there were feelings coming through, however, I didn’t always make the association with my emotions. But something told me things were hidden deep within me that had to be found. Therefore, I had to understand what those things were if I was ever going to deal with the issues.
I knew emotions were important and knew they were a part of the human condition. They were essential for us to understand ourselves, but also for us to understand others. I knew that feeling empathy for others, for example, taught me to be kind to others. It broke my heart seeing kids being cruel to other kids, or to animals. I wanted to protect those innocent others around me and got into trouble for getting involved. For example, I didn’t want others to feel the pain I sometimes felt. Likewise, when I felt happy, I wanted others to feel that way too. I think emotions help us to function much better in our relationships. In other words, I also believe that our emotions help us to recognize what we want and what we need in our lives.

Physical Reactions to Emotions

I often had physical reactions if I felt strongly that I didn’t want to do one thing or another. Sometimes, I would even develop flu symptoms if the fear was overwhelming me. it happened if it was the only way out of having to do what frightened me so much. Fear has kept me, even as an adult, from enjoying my life more fully. Fear kept me home, and kept me from experimenting with new things. I never learned to skate, to ride a bike, or to swim. It kept me from meeting new people and traveling away to new areas of the world. I felt fear even when it was imagined fear, there was no way of knowing if the thing was fearful or not. This is because I didn’t try new things, to begin with. If I did try new things and got hurt or failed at the attempt, I would stop trying.  

Learn to Listen to Your Body

Listen to What Your Body is Telling you



As an adult, I realized that I had lost control of my emotions and my body was almost always under attack. I was married and had two young children. Unfortunately, we were all suffering because of my emotional outbursts, and everything I felt was stuck in my solar plexus. I ended up in counseling on and off for years. Some of it helped, most of it didn’t help. So I embarked on a solo journey to figure out what was actually going on in my inner being.
I realized self-help books were frowned upon by professional counselors and psychologists, but, they saved me from myself. There were times when I had nowhere to turn, and no one to talk to. But my books were always there. They were always available and I knew if things got bad enough I could always get professional help. I also didn’t want to take any kind of medication. For example, I wanted to learn what I could do for myself when things got out of hand.

Learn to Listen to What Your Body is Telling you


I eventually came to a place where I realized that my reactions were not always activated because of a specific situation. Something else seemed to trigger things off inside of me. I didn’t know at the time how often I had buried my emotions. This was  because they were causing me so much pain. There were layers upon layers building up within me and I saw it all during a counseling session.
I discovered, how often I had buried the pain but I wasn’t aware of what was laying deep down inside. Because I buried the emotions they would eventually disappear. I just didn’t know that they were not leaving my body but they were hiding inside. They were just waiting to rise up in me when uncomfortable situations occurred. It became clear to me that I had to examine what triggered specific emotions. They were so uncomfortable, some actually causing me physical discomfort and even illness. My body was trying to tell me there was something wrong. However, until this point in time, I had been ignoring the signs instead of listening to them. Therefore, listen to what your body is telling you.

How I Began to Dissolve the Pain




There came a time where I had to recognize the emotions and give them a chance to be expressed. I had to learn new ways of doing so because what I had been doing was not working for me. Therefore, I couldn’t function in the best way for myself or for my family. Although I was still able to ignore the pain and to lessen my reactions, I knew I would eventually have to dig deeper. Especially if I was ever going to begin the healing process.
I learned, to go with the flow and to not fight the feeling or the emotion. it started with simpler things, chunks that I could handle. Sometimes I felt like I was being carried in a bubble above all the drama that was going on below me. It calmed me down and I felt protected. It kept me going for a long time. On the other hand, I still had issued deep below where I had buried so much pain.

Emotions Create Characters of Their own

Listen to What Your Body is Telling you

Some years ago I learned about a technique that taught me to look at my emotions. I would relax my body and look inside myself. This would allow me to think about experiences that evoked emotions within me. I was able to see that these emotions had developed forms and colors. Most had personalities for themselves. And, depending on the circumstance, they developed in different ways. I was able to go back into my life and see times when I had buried anger. Sometimes I was afraid to look at what had developed in my body.
I learned not to fight these entities, I just allowed them to rise up. Somehow, I would thank them for having protected me when they needed to. But then I would tell them in a kind, loving, but serious tone to leave. I could see them in my mind’s eye leaving, going through walls, running away, and eventually dissolving. 

Listen to What Your Body is Telling you

Some showed up in different parts of my body. Some in my head, mouth, chest, heart, back, my stomach, and my solar plexus. They took the form of wood (in different shapes and sizes) stones, rocks, iron, and other metals. Some softer, like jello, and other forms, but never as people. Therefore, every monster had to be dealt with differently. They had to leave my body in their own way. Some were stuck in positions and couldn’t move, others tried to hold on because they didn’t want to go. 
I let go of the rage, hate, hurt, disappointment, broken heart, resentments, abuse, and other things. Although It took a long time, I now know so much of the pain is gone. Some memories still exist, but they no longer haunt me. There is very little left to rise up in me. I still cannot believe how clearly they presented themselves to me and how real they were. Ego still resides inside of me and takes over more often than not, to cause conflicts in my life. Therefore, listen to what your body is telling you.

My Point is





When I was young I did what I had to do to stop myself from hurting. I buried that pain along with the emotions but none of it ever went away. Burying it caused me problems for most of my life. It also caused problems for my loved ones and other relationships. I believe that I am not alone in this experience. This stuff is in other people all the time, and it makes it easier to forgive them. I see the pain, and their inability to control their reactions. There is self-hate, insecurity, mental illness, and even physical illness in those who carry their monsters with them. Everywhere they go, the monsters follow them. 
I am not a professional counselor, I have no authority, but I have experience. There is a way out of the buried pain of a lifetime. I have healed, and I know you can also heal from stored emotions.

What you can do




If you have recognized yourself as experiencing buried emotions, I hope you can reach out for help. If you can’t afford professional help you can begin to read articles that can be of help. You can also begin with books that can teach you some ways of dealing with and recognizing problems. I like to think that your community has free counseling available to you.
I wish you a happy, well-balanced life.  

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