Learn How to Love Yourself

Learn how to Love Yourself


You must learn to love yourself because it is essential if you want to have a healthy, happy life.

Imagine you landed on this blog because you are searching for self love. And imagine that you did not land here by accident. That somewhere within you know that you have to learn to love yourself more.

We were created for a purpose, we all were. Therefore everything that happens, every little thing in your day, was meant to happen. As a consequence, you landed here for a reason.



We all Dream


My dream ifs for all people to learn to love themselves. What if we all walked around this world living in love? Loving ourselves, and thus, loving everyone around us.

When you love yourself you will create a better world for yourself and for all others. Self-love is powerful and I believe it is part of our purpose for being here.


Perfect World


My dream is about waking up every day and realizing that the world I live in, is based on love. Therefore, it is a perfect world. A love so strong that it is everywhere. There is so much that we all have more than our share and it just keeps growing. Love is that one thing that, when you give it away, you always develop more for yourself and others.

In order for this to happen, you have to learn to love yourself, we all do. Self-love is the key to loving others, and to creating a better world for everyone.



Everything is Perfect



I see that everyone is happy, no poverty, no hate, fighting, and no wars.

There is no abuse of any kind, not towards people, animals, insects, any living thing.

We have clean air, clean water, and our entire planet is pristine. There is no longer any sickness, all disease has been eradicated.

No one suffers from mental illness, addictions, people don’t need alcohol or drugs to keep them blind to reality. They are filled with self-love and love for others.  Therefore, they live their reality, and it is perfection. Everything is perfect.



We Need One Another

Love Yourself



In order for this dream to manifest somewhere in the future, we need one another to make it work. Perhaps since you are still reading this, maybe you are curious or interested in being part of the solution.

In order for this dream to manifest each and every one of us needs to start by loving ourselves. We all need to love ourselves.

Once you learn to love yourself, you will then love others, and this love will spread. You see, the more love you have for yourself, the more you have to give away, and the more you give away, like magic, the more you receive.





I know it’s a tough thing to do for some of us to love ourselves. It almost seems like we are arrogant if we love ourselves. 

I remember a time when I hated myself so badly, I felt that I wanted to die.

However, I survived and did, eventually, learn to love myself. This is why I care so much and want to help others to love themselves. 

We are all in this world together, part of one another so, why not learn to love one another? It begins with you, with me, with every individual out there.



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